Young Justice #6, the latest issue of the new DC Comics title based on the current Cartoon Network animated series of the same name, arrives in comic book and hobby stores today. The issue, written by Art Baltazar and Franco with artwork by Christopher Jones, features the team reacting to Superboy’s startling revelation. Official details for this issue are available below.
Written by: Art Baltazar and Franco
Art by: Christopher Jones
Campfire bonding continues as the members of the team share their background stories as well as their hopes and fears. But when do these team-building exchanges cross over into TMI territory? How about when Superboy tells everyone how he’s thinking of taking out Superman?
The cover price is $2.99US. Young Justice #6 is also available same day digitally through DC Comics and Comixology.
Stay tuned for further updates, including exclusive Young Justice content and more, here soon at The World’s Finest.
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